USITT21 Virtual Conference ReCap

Hi all!

We have been living in a crazy world for the past year which has completely upended so many people’s lives.  There have been silver linings, though, while we all learned how to pivot, be flexible and try new things.  And… I have completely enjoyed some fantastic snuggle time with my pup, Edith.

This year the annual USITT convention was a virtual event.  I have to admit that I was dubious about this.  On one hand I was glad they were going forward with things since they had to cancel last year.  On the other hand,  I am eyeball deep in Zoom fatigue.  As it turned out… the event was way more fun than I thought it would be!

USITT is the United States Institute for Theatre Technology. It connects performing arts design and technology communities to ensure a vibrant dialogue among practitioners, educators, and students. USITT was founded in 1960 as an organization to promote dialogue, research, and learning among practitioners of theatre design and technology.  Today, the Institute boasts thousands of members at all levels of their careers and has embraced the new technologies being used in entertainment. USITT is now the leader in life-long learning opportunities for the entertainment design and technology industry. Visit for more info.

The digital conference experience that they created was visually interesting and engaging.  It was kind of like playing a POV version of the Sims.  In the parking lot you entered your login and password which let you into the convention center.  Once in the lobby you were greeted with a video of what was going on that day while folks wandered around and checked out Sponsor billboards.  From the lobby you could choose to go to the Expo Hall, various Session options or the Lounge.  There were the classic events like the New Product Showcase and Keynote Speakers, but they also had Virtual Scavenger Hunt type games and Trivia.

Here are some of my favorite parts:

  1. More accessible.  This virtual event made attendance easier for folks who were unable to attend in the past due to work schedule, travel restrictions or cost.
  2. On Demand Sessions. One of the things that is hard about the in person event is that there is always a session that you miss out on because it is happening at the same as another one you want to see… or… you lose track of time wandering the Expo floor.  This way, you were able to at least watch the event at your availability. AND… they are all available until September… so if you have the opportunity… CHECK THEM OUT!
  3.  Focus on Industry Improvement.  There were a lot of great discussions and sessions about greener production practices, inclusion of BIPOC so our reflective artform reflects society, and reassessing unfair internship opportunities.  So proud to be a part of this group.
  4. Virtual Fun.  Playing trivia with folks I’ve never met, and having a dining room dance party with Virtual Game Nights was a blast.  It was a no stress way to meet new people and have fun doing it.
  5. Cody Hann. USITT Sales Manager Cody Hann and his team kept this whole event up and running.  It was a huge undertaking, and even with a few technical hiccups, the whole event was fantastic.
  6. Stage Expo. I love to window shop, and this allowed me to do so without unwanted awkward conversations.  When I did have questions and wanted more information, then I could chat or schedule a one-on-one video chat with a representative.  AND… I was still able to get swag!  (Thanks Syracuse Scenery & Stage Lighting)

Even though this event was a success, I can’t wait until we can all meet again.

Hopefully I’ll be able to see you all in Baltimore, MD next year at the 2022 Conference!

All the best, Anna

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